Objective: Create playful and engaging collateral for Thin Ice, a nonprofit organization donating all proceeds towards research on saving the polar bears. This project was completed as a team, and I was the primary designer for all of the elements featured on this page.
Process: Thin Ice Creamery is a branch of Thin Ice, which raises money through selling delicious handmade ice cream out of an ice cream truck. I designed the logo to be lively, authentic, and inviting. The color palette was inspired by a sunset over the ocean.

The website homepage features a carousel of impactful polar bear photos to quickly catch a visitors attention. Further down the page, parallax scrolling produces a dynamic and educational infographic with key polar bear statistics. Easy and clickable calls to action are featured at the bottom of the page. My design partner created the rest of the web pages.

Additionally, Thin Ice's signature fundraising event is a polar plunge that travels to different cities in the US. (*pictures to be added)